• Octopus and Sirius complete £69m loan for green development in Dorset

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:24:05

    Andreea Dulgheru    | 14:08 Friday 27th May 2022 |    0

    The 27-month loan will facilitate the construction of 291 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments split across five adjacent blocks.

    The scheme will also include approximately 8,000 sq ft of commerc

  • Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 25 | Critical Threats

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:23:58

    Some pro-Russian milbloggers on Telegram continued to criticize the Kremlin for appalling treatment of forcefully mobilized Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR) servicemen–contradicting Russian information campaigns about progress of the Russian special military operation.

  • Hooked on you - Cranes Today

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:23:52

    You have a crane, you have a hook. What more could you need to lift your load? The answer may be ‘plenty.’ You need to attach the hook to the load but the environment may be too hot or too hazardous for a person to do the attaching. Some loads may have no lugs for the hook to fit into, so

  • Ionization of Silicon for Semiconductors

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:23:49

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    Six critical steps are involved in the manufacturing of semiconductors. These steps include deposition, photoresist, lithography, etch, ionization and

  • Case study: Wall of Energy, Tower of Light by Tonkin Liu

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:23:28

    26 May 2022 · By AJ Contributor

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    Rupert Holmes on how to go about buying a yacht for shorthanded racing - the fastest growing section of the sport at the moment

    The rapidly growing double-handed and shorthanded racing scene has attracted a flurry of recently launched models specifically optimised for this type o

  • An Australian manufacturer champions true circularity - Manufacturers' Monthly

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    Alexandra Cooper shines a spotlight on Ty Hermans, founder and managing director of Venlo Holdings (Venlo), to uncover how he succeeded in building a thriving, circular, Australian manufacturing business.

    In 2005, Ty Hermans had an idea for a new product called PolySlab – a lightweigh

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  • Wall of Containment: How Bankers Control Precious Metals Markets

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    Source: Michael Ballanger for Streetwise Reports   (8/9/21)

    Sector expert Michael Ballanger describes his strategy

  • Weekly Roundup - Action Alerts PLUS

    by admin on 2022-05-28 22:23:01

    Equities put in a great performance -- and they did it in spite of some hefty challenges: ongoing inflation, record gas prices, cash-strapped consumers, continued supply-chain woes, and bloated retailer inventories.

    By Friday's close, all four major market indexe