spanish design studio KRI renovated an apartment built in the 1920s located in madrid, spain, on the first floor of a building that opens onto a large patio between party walls. according to the plan of madrid by tomas lopez in 1785, the apartment building is built on top of a former lead factory in the old industrial zone in the district of lavapiés. during the construction of the new residential building in 1920, part of the structure and slabs from the factory were recycled for reuse on the first floor of the new building.
entrance images by pablo gómez-ogando
in the renovation, KRI removed partition walls and false plaster ceilings, revealing the previously concealed catalan vaults and amplifying the living space. the main space consists of a kitchen, a dining room, and a living room all located in a single open space. the main colors used in the space are white for ceilings and walls, a touch of green in the bathroom, and timber flooring. moreover, new wall openings in the facade establish an indoor-outdoor relationship, further expanding the use of the living space for inhabitants.
the remarkable kitchen of this apartment acts as a space for socializing and changes the traditional function of kitchens as enclosed service spaces. this subversion is highlighted through the fabrication of a single polished brass kitchen piece, which reflects and illuminates the central living area and acts as the main element in the house. using white on large-scale spaces such as the walls and ceilings of this house creates a calming atmosphere and brings to focus this striking brass kitchen element.
façade openings from inside
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions ‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: yasmina karam | designboom
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