Tenants of one of England’s largest housing groups say they have been left for years in ‘uninhabitable’ homes as experts warn social renters could be left with long-term health conditions as a result of damp and mouldy properties.
i previously reported tenants of Hyde Group, which owns or manages around 500,000 properties in London, the South East and East Midlands, said they had been left suffering from breathing problems and skin conditions as a result of mould which they claimed had not been remedied despite years of complaints.
Further tenants have since come forward to share images of their homes, with some saying they are unable to cook or let their children stay overnight.
Etienne Cromar, 50, from Penge, south east London, said he has been attempting to get mould which has blackened the walls of his one-bedroom flat fixed for more than a decade.
He said: “I noticed the mould and damp coming through within the first three months of my tenancy.”
Mr Cromar, who is disabled and suffers from autism, received a note from his community psychiatric nurse written in 2018 which described his home as “unliveable” and expressed concern the conditions were having a “severe impact” on his physical and mental health.
The air inside the flat is difficult to breathe. “It’s just horrendous,” Mr. Cromar adds.
“Everything gets ruined. Clothes are ruined. I can’t keep food here because it gets ruined.
“You open your cupboard to find something to wear, it’s mouldy. You want to eat something, it’s mouldy.”
Labour councillor Angela Wilkins, who has visited the property, said: “What we’ve got here is somebody who is living in completely unacceptable conditions.
“I have been trying to get this gentleman rehoused for three years but the council officers tell me there is nowhere to rehouse him to.
“Housing associations have major problems with getting repairs done and major problems with communicating adequately with their tenants. The situation in this day and age is just completely unacceptable.”
English Housing Survey figures state that 4 per cent of social rented properties suffer from problems with damp, compared to two per cent of owner-occupied homes.
Dr Amy Clair, from the University of Essex, has studied links between health and poor housing conditions and warned “slum-like conditions” in some social housing in the UK is leading to long-term health problems for adults and children living there.
Dr Clair said she had seen a link between poor housing conditions and the presence of biomarkers in the blood called C-reactive protein (CRP) an indicator of internal stress or infections which is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, among other conditions.
She said: “People are living in slum-like conditions.
“We found that poor conditions and affordability issues were associated with higher levels of CRP.
“That means those people have worse health. Not only are we seeing people develop conditions like asthma because of poor conditions we are actually seeing people’s blood markers change in response to their housing situation.”
Tenants often face waiting lists of several years to be able to move homes, amid a social housing shortage in England.
According to the housing charity Shelter, more than one million households are currently waiting for social homes. Last year, 29,000 social homes were sold or demolished, and less than 7,000 were built.
In England, there are now 1.4 million fewer households in social housing than there were in 1980.
Better regulation for social housing tenants was first mooted in 2017 by then housing secretary Sajid Javid.
A social housing white paper which would introduce a new charter for social tenants and promises to deliver necessary upgrades by making housing providers more accountable is currently moving through parliament but no timetable has been attached to the proposed measures.
Mark Batchelor, Director of Property Services at Hyde apologised for the conditions in Mr Cromer’s home said an inspection is currently being organised.
He said: “I am really sorry for Mr Cromar’s upset and the fact that this issue hasn’t been resolved. I’m limited in what I can say as lawyers are involved.
“However, I can promise you that we are working with Mr Cromar, Bromley Council and his carer to sort this out, and are currently organising a suitable date for an inspection with our surveyor.”
Bromley Council did not respond to a request for comment.
Hyde Group residents have previously spoken to i about breathing problems and skin conditions they believe are because of serious damp and mould in their properties.
Kirsty Brown, 29, says she and her 10-year-old son have been diagnosed with lung infections but has received only a “cosmetic fix” after complaints about the situation.
She said: “The doctor told me that it could turn into pneumonia and I’m still taking antibiotics because it isn’t clearing. While I am living here, I don’t think it will go away.”
Kirsty’s neighbour, Christine Leal-Andrades, 59, who shares a two-bedroom flat with her 25-year-old son, said she has been left feeling “suicidal” and that they have both developed psoriasis.
She said: “It doesn’t feel like a home, you don’t want to make it nice. You try, but then the wallpaper comes off.”
Sharon Ondondo, 48, said her niece has been forced to have out of the flat they used to share and that she wakes up struggling to breathe in the night.
“In the air you can always smell a pungent damp smell. I have had to throw away clothes and shoes.
“Sometimes at night I wake up coughing, so I have been to the GP. So I have started leaving my windows open at night, but my flat was broken into a few weeks ago so I am no longer comfortable doing that.”
Mark Batchelor, Hyde Group’s interim chief property officer said it takes complaints of disrepair “very seriously” and encourages tenants to contact them if they are having issues with their properties.
Referring specifically to Kirsty’s case, he said: “We have recently carried out extensive work to Kirsty’s home.
“We need to return to complete minor works and we are working with independent surveyors to address this. Kirsty is represented by solicitors who are conducting matters on her behalf.”
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