WINTON – The Hertford County Board of Commissioners approved funding here Monday for several needed items within the county’s Solid Waste department.
However, the largest of the projects – upgrades to the grounds of each Solid Waste convenience site and at the transfer station – was put on hold while county officials ensure that those bidding on that job understand the entire scope of the work needed.
Ashley Ward, Manager of the Solid Waste Department, informed the board of all the projects. She said three quotes were received for improvements on the grounds of the convenience sites and the transfer station, to include paving the sites with asphalt and pouring concrete at the container pads.
“The asphalt will keep us from having to replace the rock at each site,” Ward explained to the commissioners.
There were three bids received for that work, ranging from a high of $340,580 to a low of $210,400. That noticeably wide gap left Commissioner Andre Lassiter wondering if each of the three companies submitted bids on the identical scope of the work needed.
“It’s hard to gauge; it’s hard for me to say which one is the best one because they’re all so different in what they’re bidding on,” Lassiter said.
Ward said one of prospects submitted a bid on pouring concrete and asphalt; one was just for concrete, and one for only for asphalt.
Meanwhile, the indicator at the scales [transfer station] is losing its brightness, making it hard to read, Ward said. She added that the railing along the edge of the scales has been knocked down and is in need of replacing.
Installing a new indicator and rails are priced at $4,360.
Additionally, the push wall for the tipping floor has completely fallen down, thus making the site out of compliance with the state.
“That risks us being shut down until the wall is fixed,” Ward noted.
The cost of replacing the wall is $26,880.
Another project deals with replacing the regular tires on the loader with solid rubber tires. Ward said by doing so will prevent the county from having to patch or replace the regular tires, which cost $4,000 each, due to constant wear and tear caused by the debris.
The cost of solid rubber tires is $21,315.
On a motion from Lassiter, the commissioners approved the projects involving the scales (indicator and railing), the push wall, and the purchase of solid rubber tires for the loader.
The board tabled a decision regarding the proposed work on the grounds at the convenience sites and transfer station.
Cal Bryant, a 40-year veteran of the newspaper industry, serves as the Editor at Roanoke-Chowan Publications, publishers of the Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald, Gates County Index, and Front Porch Living magazine.