Wittenberg entrepreneur Zachary Popp perfects hemp building material

2022-06-18 21:47:29 By : Ms. Susan Wu

In 2010, when Zachary Popp of Wittenberg discovered mold in his home, he was frustrated by the ineffectiveness of the materials used in wall construction.

“One day I walked into my daughter’s bedroom and it was black with mold,” he said.  “I found a leaky window, and because I had worked in construction, knew that the way walls were built was deficient. Instead of allowing moisture to escape, the water got trapped in the wall and caused mold to develop.”

Although he no longer works in construction, his years of experience working with his father, Jim, a contractor, provided him with a base knowledge. He says his dad had a mindset of continuous improvement in the building process, while he was always thinking about the product.

That led him to years of testing to create a product that wouldn’t trap moisture when it got wet. 

“I started to look into mold-resistant materials, and as I dug into what was available, I kept coming across a product called hempcrete," Popp said. "I thought, ‘That’s kind of cool,’ and as I read more about it, I thought it was an amazing product and wondered why it wasn’t being widely used.”

Part of the reason was the cost of procuring hemp; another was the amount of time it took to dry if prepared on a building site. Hempcrete can take six to eight weeks to dry out, and builders are unlikely to delay a project that long. His solution was to produce a precast block or panel that could be shipped directly to a building site.

From 2013 to 2014, Popp said he started playing scientist in his garage. He bought all of the components used to make hempcrete and sourced materials from Europe. Various ratios were mixed to test strength, and he landed on a winning formula. However, he had another issue that needed solving — the cost of shipping the materials from overseas.

That changed when he found sources in the United States for the hydraulic lime and proprietary ingredients used in his binder. Then, in 2018, when it became legal for states to sell hemp, the pieces started to fall in place.

“When the farm bill passed and I realized I might be able to get hemp at a more affordable price, I contacted a patent agent and obtained a provisional patent. The following year I obtained the U.S. Utility Patent,” Popp said. “It wasn’t easy. It was quite the process.”

He formed an LLC and named the business Sativa Building Systems (Sativa is the scientific name for hemp). The panels were dubbed “Z Panels” and the marketing began.

The benefits of the panels are huge, Popp said. They are mold-, fire-, pest- and rot-resistant, and over the course of its lifespan, hempcrete sequesters more carbon than it produces, a major benefit to the environment.

Now, an important focus will be on education.

“We need to convince people that the current product is deficient. It is a long road ahead and we recognize that. But we have investors who are really interested,” Popp added.

The investors include those who donated to a successful campaign on wefunder.com, where he met his goal of $145,000. Popp has hired a team that includes a chief financial officer and chief operating officer and they are helping guide the efforts. They have a production facility and are working on obtaining a code approval report that will verify that the Z Panel meets building codes.

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The next goal is to raise $1.2 million from angel investors. Popp has presented to investor groups and is optimistic. As the business comes to fruition, he continues in his full-time job as dean of enrollment at Midstate Technical College in Wisconsin Rapids. His schedule is busy — he and his wife are parents to seven children.

He said: “The children are a blessing; they are my motivation. I want all my kids to be entrepreneurs. If I can set a good example for them, that’s what I want to do.”

The example they will see is a father who has created a product that he believes could garner revenue of $50 million within five years.

Popp says that consumer education will include trade shows, the website (www.sativabuildingsystems.com), and social media that targets builders and their customers. The product is priced competitively and will add only about 10% to the construction cost. It is a price that research showed customers are willing to pay for the benefits.

Once he has the code approval report and is up and running, Popp said that he plans to start small.

“The plan is to scale in proportion to demand,” he said. “To produce Z panels for about one home a week, I’ll need a crew of about five. I don’t want us to get ahead of ourselves.”

Another important aspect that Popp has learned is to be ready to make changes when necessary. 

“If you feel like you are really onto something, prepare yourself mentally to fail, but make an improvement with every failure,” he said. “My original idea was stackable panels — I wanted to produce whole walls but they couldn’t be lifted and I had to pivot. If you fail at something, fail forward and learn from every mistake.”

Tina Dettman-Bielefeldt is co-owner of DB Commercial Real Estate in Green Bay and past district director for SCORE, Wisconsin.