Waskita Beton Explains the Progress of the Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road Project Phase II - Shares Liputan6.com

2022-09-10 02:28:35 By : Mr. Tony Wang

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) is currently known to be supplying products and carrying out construction services for one of the toll road projects in Sumatra, namely the Phase II Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung (KAPB) Toll Road Project.With a contract value of Rp 625.42 billion, the project, which is located in South Sumatra Province, is targeted to be completed in 2023. This project is a continuation of the previous contract stage which has been completed.The products supplied in phase II are precast Spun Pile and Full slab, which are produced and shipped from the Gasing Plant, in Palembang."Until now, the progress of product supply from the Gasing Plant to the KAPB Project has reached around 87.8 percent.The company targets the completion of project work in October 2022. said Director of Operations PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk, Sugiharto in an official statement, Thursday, September 8, 2022.Not only supplying products, Waskita Beton Precast also does the construction.With this toll road, it is hoped that it can improve connectivity between regions, increase population mobility, improve the welfare of the surrounding community, and cut logistics transportation costs and reduce the travel time for delivery of goods."Until now, the pile slab construction progress which is part of the WSBP portion of the KAPB Toll Road Project Phase II Package II Section III has reached 41.06 percent and Package IV Section 3B has reached 43.71 percent," said Sugiharto.This Phase II KAPB Toll Road connects the Palembang to Betung area along 69.19 km.Previously, the company had completed the supply of products for the KAPB Phase I Toll Road project in 2020 which was 42.5 km long.* Fact or Hoax?To find out the truth of the information circulating, please WhatsApp to the Liputan6.com Fact Check number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.Previously, PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) announced its performance for the financial year ending on June 30, 2022. During that period, Waskita Beton Precast managed to record a net profit of Rp 1.43 trillion.This achievement is inversely proportional to the same period last year, where the company recorded a loss of Rp 154 ​​billion.This achievement is in line with operating income which rose 81 percent to Rp 743.79 billion in the first semester of 2022 compared to the first semester of 2021 of Rp 410.86 billion.In line with that, the cost of revenue increased to Rp 639.31 billion from Rp 317.48 billion.Even so, the company was still able to record a gross profit of Rp. 104.48 billion, up 11.89 percent compared to the first semester of 2021 of Rp. 93.38 billion.In the first semester of 2022, the company recorded other income of Rp 2.34 trillion, interest income of Rp 659.95 billion, and foreign exchange gains of Rp 132.3 billion.At the same time, selling expenses were recorded at Rp 41.31 billion, general administrative expenses at Rp 546.9 billion, non contributing plant expenses at Rp 145.97 billion, and final income tax expenses at Rp 8.13 billion, as well as finance expenses at Rp 279. 35 billion.After deducting taxes, the company posted a net profit for the year of Rp 1.43 trillion, from a loss of Rp 154 ​​billion in the first semester of 2021.The company's assets as of June 2022 were recorded to have fallen to Rp 6.51 trillion compared to the position at the end of December 2021 of Rp 6.88 trillion.It consists of current assets of Rp 2.45 trillion and non-current assets of Rp 4.06 trillion.Liabilities recorded up to June 2022 were recorded at Rp 4.02 trillion, a significant reduction compared to the position at the end of December 2021 at Rp 9.66 trillion.It consists of short-term liabilities of Rp 2.51 trillion and long-term liabilities of Rp 1.51 trillion.Meanwhile, equity was recorded at Rp 2.49 trillion compared to the position at the end of December 2021 which was minus Rp 2.78 trillion.Previously, PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) continued to improve various aspects of the business after the achievement of PKPU homologation.Waskita Beton Precast President Director FX Poerbayu Ratsunu said the company is optimistic that the acquisition of new contract values ​​(NKB) can grow by 30 percent in 2022."This year, the WSBP targets the New Contract Value (NKB) in 2022 of IDR 3.5 trillion, a significant increase compared to the 2021 achievement of IDR 2.7 trillion. We have good motivation and enthusiasm to achieve this year's target, "he said in official statement, Friday (5/8/2022).With the issuance of the NKB plus a carry over contract from 2021 of IDR 3.3 trillion, Waskita Beton Precast estimates that the total contract value managed by the company in 2022 can reach IDR 6.8 trillion.This value will be WSBP's potential operating income until the end of the year.The optimism for achieving the NKB target comes from the prospect of external projects by 35 percent.Among others, BUMN or BUMD 36 percent, private sector 51 percent, government 12 percent, and foreign 1 percent and internal projects by 65 percent.To support this target, Waskita Beton Precast has precast concrete products that can be applied to various infrastructure and building projects."We are optimistic that we can capture external market opportunities from the private sector, state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries, such as infrastructure development and new nation's capital cities. In addition, we also increase participation in management's focus on external markets in line with the strategy to increase WSBP's exposure to external customers that has been announced. As illustrated by the high demand for WSBP products, it was recorded that in 2021 WSBP had a total of 163 external customers.WSBP experienced a 50 percent increase in external customers, most of which came from the retail market."In 2022, we are optimistic that we can continue to increase until it doubles," he said.In addition to targeting projects from the external market, WSBP's optimism is also created from the growing market potential of Waskita Group's internal projects.Waskita Beton Precast is ready to seize opportunities in the toll road development project carried out by PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT) and will participate maximally in various types of other infrastructure projects carried out by the Waskita Group.there is a government project," he added.* READ OTHER LATEST NEWS ON GOOGLE NEWS