Falcom has announced the limited time free downloadable content set “40th Anniversary Thank-You Mega Box” for The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki. It will be available from September 30 to October 31 in Japan.
The set includes the following content:
Original Swimsuit: Van (free for a limited time)
A stylish swimsuit just for Van. It includes a removable jacket and sunglasses attachment item.
Original Swimsuit: Agnes (free for a limited time)
A trim bikini just for Agnes. It includes a removable jacket and straw hat.
4spg UNITED: Van / Agnes / Feri / Aaron (“40th Anniversary Thank-You Mega Box”-exclusive)
Exclusive color costumes for Van, Agnes, Feri, and Aaron, based on the concept of the word “4spg (for SPRIGAN)” used by the Arkride Solutions Office. The set includes special hair colors, which can be equipped as an attachment item.
Animal Transformation: White Rabbit (free for a limited time)
A white rabbit ears and tail attachment item set.
Animal Transformation: Dog (free for a limited time)
A large dog ears and tail attachment item set.
Animal Transformation: Fox (free for a limited time)
A fox ears and tail attachment item set.
Animal Transformation: Cow (free for a limited time)
A cow ears and tail attachment item set.
Sun Visor Set (Four Items) (free for a limited time)
Original sun visors with the logos for the Republic of Calvard’s big four orbal car manufacturers: Ingelt, Etwas, Reno, and Redstar.
Xipha Metal Cover Set / Image Board (Eight Items) (free for a limited time)
Metallic covers for the tactical orbment Xipha themed after The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki.
Xipha Cover 40th Anniversary (Two Items) (“40th Anniversary Thank-You Mega Box”-exclusive)
Xipha covers featuring the Falcom 40th anniversary logo.
Hollow Core Voice: Renne Bright (free for a limited time)
Downloadable content to change the voice of the Hollow Core set in the tactical orbment Xipha to that of Renne Bright (voiced by Aoi Yuuki).
Battle Boost Pack A (free for a limited time)
Includes two quartz and three accessories.
The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 30 in Japan. Read more about the game here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
August 24 @ 3:00 am - August 28 @ 2:00 pm EDT
August 27 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 am EDT
September 9 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT
September 10 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
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