Falcom has released new information and screenshots for The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN- introducing characters Feri Al-Fayed, Aaron Wei, Risette Twinings, Quatre Salision, Judith Ranster, Nina Fenly, Dominique Ranster, Latoya Hamilton, Mirabel Aalton.
Feri Al-Fayed (voiced by Yui Ogura)
A girl soldier who belongs to the Khurga Warriors Clan, also known as a high jaeger corps residing in the Middle-Eastern part of the continent.
As a proud Khurga who respects traditions, she does not regard fighting as something that is always bad, and genuinely respects warriors such as her older brother and father, who have has trained her from an early age.
Although she has the courage and honorable side of a warrior, she is usually the innocent girl anyone would expect of someone her age. She is often dazed by new things and experiences, and has interest in cute hobbies as well.
She met Van through an investigation looking for a jaeger who she knew personally, then decided to join the Arkride Solutions Office to gain experience outside of Khurga.
After the Office temporarily disbanded, she returned to Khurga village. She acted as the priestess during the New Years Festival, and showed her growth to her family and villagers, but…
Aaron Wei (voiced by Yuma Uchida)
A hot-headed and eccentric young man who loves his home town of Langport’s Eastern Quarter, and also is loved by many, going by nicknames such as “Prodigy” or “The Little Tyrant of Luozhou.”
He is a handsome young man with long bright-red hair, earning his popularity as a star in Eastern-style plays specializing in female roles. He also has the attention of Heiyue due to his prowess in “Moon Flower Style” (Gekka Style) martial arts and swordsmanship, which is one of the three major Eastern styles.
However, he has had no interest in joining Heiyue and was committed to doing things his own way. He met Van and company when they were on a mission to the capital.
Shortly after, during the incident that shook Langport, he discovered the truth behind who he really was and the schemes of Heiyue, and decided to join the Arkride Solutions Office to reevaluate the path he has taken.
After the Office temporarily disbanded, he returned to his hometown. Despite being pressured to join Heiyue, he has maintained his own ways of doing things, using the knowledge and skills from his Spriggan days.
Risette Twinings (voiced by Yui Ishikawa)
A talented woman who works as a service concierge at Marduk Total Security Company known for her friendly and polite service, and sense of humor.
She has known Van for three years through his correspondence as a Marduk Company contracted tester for the Stun Caliber and Hollow Core, Van was contracted to test Marduk’s Strike-Sword and Hollow Core.
However, she first appeared before Van when he was dealing with a certain case, and has since “relocated” to the Arkride Solutions Office, where she supports her colleagues with her extraordinary technical skills.
Her body was given to her by Marduk Company and is not “what it should be.” She fears the capabilities of Marduk Company, yet also appreciates it for giving her the opportunity to experience many things and meet many people important to her.
After the Office temporarily disbanded, she went back to Ored where the company headquarters is located. She seems to be receiving regular maintenance while also meeting with close friends.
Quatre Salision (voiced by Mutsumi Tamura)
A young researcher who studies at Basel College of Science, one of the Republic’s top academic organizations, as a master’s student. He is accompanied by XEROS and FIO, two orbal drones that he developed.
He has an androgynous appearance, and while kind, he also gives off the impression of distancing himself from others to a certain point.
His birth was special and his upbringing harsh, and after being adopted by Dr. Hamiltion—one of the “three pupils”—they have became as close as true grandmother and grandchild.
He met van through a certain case, and at the same time reevaluated his attitude towards technology and academics. He joined the Arkride Solutions Office to make use of his capabilities.
After the Office temporarily disbanded, he went back to Basel to spend time with Dr. Hamilton and his fellow researchers. Meanwhile, Van seems to have gained some insight into his origins…
Judith Ranster (voiced by Youko Hikasa)
One of the top actors in the Calvard Republic’s orbal film industry. She has many fans and trust within the industry for her friendly demeanor and professionalism towards her craft.
One on hand, she sometimes has a goofy side that comes out due to her confidence. On the other, she has a secret identity as “Grimcats”, a thief who takes from the rich and gives back to the poor, believed to be an urban legend in the Republic. She takes on this role to execute her own sense of justice.
After crossing paths with the actress and phantom thief many times, Van and the Spriggans came to learn her identity, and she began to cooperate with their Solutions work in a casual manner.
She claims that her ability to “transform” into Grimcats and her duty as the thief of justice was passed down to her from her grandmother Dominique’s generation, but…?
Nina Fenly (voiced by Reina Ueda)
A young, but talented half Easterner woman and acting prodigy. She completely immerses herself into the role she is playing—as if she was being “possessed”—and her natural talent has attracted the attention of many in the industry.
She is polite and modest, often telling that her acting comes off as “being possessed” because she herself does not have a strong self identity.
On the other hand, her professionalism and ambition as an actress is quite strong, and she will stubbornly stand up against anything that is unjust.
She and Judith are both reliable senior and junior, as well as friendly rivals. During the Tharbad Film Festival in S.1208, she won the Best Actress Award, defeating Judith.
Dominique Ranster (voiced by Kimiko Saitou)
Judith’s grandmother and a legendary Chanson singer who once took the world by storm. She was also the original Grimcats.
Despite her old age, she is very active and holds high standards for both herself and others. Her physical abilities and sense of style as an artist are still intact.
Even after her retirement, she still has a strong presence in the entertainment industry, and has lead many films and events to success by producing or giving acting advice.
Although she sometimes speaks harshly to her granddaughter Judith, she warmly watches over the current Grimcats’ way of life. Incidentally, it seems that Judith does not know how her grandmother obtained the powers of Grimcats in the first place…
Latoya Hamilton (voiced by Kikuko Inoue)
One of the “three pupils” of Professor C. Epstein, father of the Orbal Revolution. She made great contributions to the orbalization of the Republic, and until a few years ago has been the professor emeritus at Basel College of Science and chief advisor of Verne Company.
As the highest ranking orbal engineer, she has an brilliant mind and great knowledge, and is a generous and compassionate woman of character who values the use of academics and technology for the benefit of people.
She took in Quatre, who she sheltered from a certain environment, and taught him many things including the meaning of education.
She was conducting research in the East to save the Eastern part of the continent from environmental destruction, but an incident in engineering city of Basel brought her back to the Republic.
Mirabel Aalton (voiced by Tsugumi Sakuragi)
A service concierge that works for Marduk Total Security Company who has a very distinct way of speaking.
She is a strong-minded woman with a laid-back attitude, but somehow gets along surprisingly well with Risette, her polar opposite colleague, who she is friends with both at work and in her private life.
She seems to be involved with “Marchen Garten,” a virtual space service that Marduk Company recently launched on the orbal network, and brings the Arkride Solutions Office a certain job…
The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN- is due out for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on September 29 in Japan, and in 2022 in Asia with Traditional Chinese and Korean subtitles. Read more about the game here, here, and here.
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