MINT HILL, NC – Mint Hill’s Mayor and Board of Commissioners held their open public meeting on Thursday, August 11 at Town Hall. The agenda was not heavy being in the middle of summer; however, there were a few interesting topics the public should remain informed about for future reference.
First, the proposed resolution to transition to 4-year staggered terms was endorsed by two residents who made a presentation during the meeting. Bill Colyer correctly mentioned that one Commissioner is serving his fourth term (Dale Dalton), two are serving their second term (Tony Long and Patrick Holton), and Tawana Henderson, who was recently elected, is serving her first term.
The new resolution to amend the Town of Mint Hill Charter would become effective with the 2023 election and would affect the terms of the Mayor and all four Commissioners. Initially, the term for Mayor would be for 2 years, two Commissioners for 4-year terms, and 2 Commissioners for 2-year terms. In 2025, the Mayor and two Commissioners would be elected for 4-year terms. In 2027 two Commissioners would earn 4-year terms, and in 2029 the Mayor would be up for election and two Commissioners, and again in 2031 the election of two Commissioners.
Resident presenter Pete Larson acknowledged his support for the amendment, but also mentioned the idea for serious consideration of imposing term limits for the Mayor and Board of Commissioners.
On July 13, the Mecklenburg County Tax Collector sent a communication to Brian Welch, Mint Hill Town Manager, the Tax Collector’s Settlement for Fiscal Year 2022. This covers real estate, personal property, and registered motor vehicle tax charged to the Tax Collector for collection which was $8,807,145.87. Mint Hill collected $8,758,855.95 leaving a balance of $58,200.96 showing a 99.45% of taxes collected. At the end of FY 2022, there were some adjustments made, and the calculation percentage collected was adjusted to 99.46%.
Meanwhile, four other items of interest were approved by the Board of Commissioners:
Finally, there was a proposal made by Chris Hertz for tax parcel 137-152-01 requesting a site plan and architectural approval, including building materials for property located at 10815 Clear Creek Commerce Drive. The property is 3.53 acres, and the building is 21,000 square feet, consisting of a combination warehouse and office space. There will be a parking lot and loading docks for truck freight transportation. The organization involved in the commercial project is Royal Brass and Hose Company. On November 14, 2019, Albemarle Road Associates, LLC, was approved to amend the condition established in 2001 that the front facades shall be constructed of masonry or brick material. In addition, all visible buildings from the street must also be masonry or brick on the side and rear. The approved condition added stone and precast concrete panels, glass, and/or tilt-wall concrete panels.
There were some objections made by Board Members Dale Dalton and Tony Long and questions raised by Commissioner Patrick Holton and Mayor Brad Simmons regarding the building’s proposed structure plan. The Commissioners want these items to be fully addressed to their satisfaction before they can make any final judgment on the project. Therefore, it was tabled, putting the ball clearly back on the developer to provide more detailed information on the building material being used for the project.
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