Kalashnikov disables two-shot option on AK-12 assault rifle

2022-09-24 02:55:12 By : Mr. chao guo

BulgarianMilitary.com - Military and defence news, analysis, research and data

MOSCOW ($1=61.03 Russian Rubles) — The Russian concern Kalashnikov begins modernization of the AK-12 assault rifle. In the new AK-12 version, there will be no automatic fire option with two consecutive shots. RIA Novosti reports the news citing a comment from the manufacturer.

According to experts from the Kalashnikov concern, after disabling this option, the rate of fire will increase. Operators will also have easier control over the firing selector.

BulgarianMilitary.com recalls that the Russian AK-12 assault rifle officially entered service in 2018. In the new version, the manufacturer says, the AK-12 will be able to operate in single fire mode and automatic fire mode. Kalashnikov plans to integrate a stock adapter into the assault rifle’s magazine.

Kalashnikov says they have already developed a prototype that has been demonstrated to management and the Russian Ministry of Defense. Kalashnikov is currently in the process of patenting the new product. The company does not commit to delivery times. BulgarianMilitary.com recalls that the AK-12 is the main assault rifle of the Russian troops currently deployed in Ukraine.

In May of last year, Kalashnikov’s leadership demonstrated the effectiveness of the AK-12 in a 40-minute TV broadcast. Then, during the test, an American bulletproof vest failed to stop a bullet fired from an AK-12. The bullet pierced the front of the vest, penetrated the back of the vest, and lodged in the protective concrete wall. All this happened on the Russian TV channel Zvezda.

The arming of the Russian army with AK-12 began in 2018 and ended in 2021. All military units were equipped, from ground infantry to special forces, air force, navy, etc. AK-12 was developed in two calibers – 5.45mm and 7.62mm.

AK-12 has a set forearm that protects the barrel from external loads, a removable muzzle brake compensator with high performance, as well as the ability to install a low-noise and flameless firing device.

The assault rifle has a folding stock, adjustable in length. The attachment of additional equipment is done with a Picatinny rail on the cover of the receiver. Collimator, optical and night sights, and full diopter mechanical sights can be installed. Also, if desired, a 40mm grenade launcher can be mounted to the AK-12.

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