After months of excruciating headaches, two weeks ago Anthony Purcell was told that he has an incurable brain tumour
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For months on end, Anthony Purcell was told by doctors that his excruciating head pain and twitchy eye were a result of cluster headaches. However, two weeks ago he received the tragic news that he actually has a rare, inoperable brain tumour, and has just weeks to live. Now, his partner Zoe Ashman, 45, is fundraising for his life-extending treatment in what she describes as a "race against time".
Anthony, 43, began experiencing headaches and eye issues in August 2021. After several visits to the opticians and A&E, he underwent MRI and CT scans and blood tests and by October, he was diagnosed with migraines and given pain medication as he could not function with the unbearable pain. Zoe explained: "It got to the stage where he was taking any form of medication that he could, be it migraine tablets, nasal sprays, ibuprofen, paracetamol. Absolutely nothing was touching the sides of it."
On Christmas Day, instead of unwrapping presents and revelling in festive cheer with Zoe's eight-year-old daughter, Anthony spent the day bed-bound and an ambulance was called. Zoe said: "It got to the early evening and I just thought no, enough is enough and I phoned for an ambulance and I kind of begged them, I said, 'Please, something's not right. These are not migraines.'"
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Zoe added: "Watching somebody be in that much pain every single day and literally not be able to function is really, really, really hard especially when they were such a fun-loving person who enjoyed every hour of life, to go from one extreme to the other. That was, I think one of the hardest things to come to terms with." However, once again, they were told by medics that his symptoms were to be expected with cluster migraines.
By January this year, four months since his symptoms first began, Anthony headed to work as an executive co-ordinator, persevering through the pain by taking excessive amounts of pain medication. He rang the doctor who confirmed that he had overdosed on the medication and he was rushed to hospital. There, they performed another CT and MRI scan and finally, he received the tragic diagnosis that he had an incredibly rare brain tumour.
"January and February were really dark depressive months because it was kind of like being told something that you already knew. And then the anger of why was it left, that massive anger... don't get me wrong, the NHS do a brilliant job but in this instance, I think they've really failed at what they were doing, I can't put it in any other way," added Zoe.
"I think had the treatment started earlier, the survival rate with the chemotherapy and the radiation, that can be quite strong... they can give them a decent quality of life for a good few years. But everything was just left and by that time the cancer had had time to run riot and do what it needed to do, to take over."
Only 260 people are diagnosed with a nasopharyngeal carcinoma per year and unfortunately Anthony is one of the unlucky few. It has taken a further three months to reach the stage they are at now - he began chemotherapy in March and is currently staying at University College Hospital, on strong medication and sleeping for most of the day.
The tumour has spread to his spinal cord and he is in agonising pain. The most recent news from doctors was shocking, according to Zoe who said: "If it carries on, it's going to get to the stage where the tumour physically bursts inside his head which would be a really painful, horrific way to die. I mean, I can think of nothing worse, really."
Currently, she is rarely allowed to visit due to Covid restrictions and Zoe says with every day that goes by, Anthony is finding it more difficult to speak and maintain a conversation. The couple got together last year and have been thrust into the most unfortunate circumstances imaginable, battling a terminal cancer diagnosis together despite still being in their first year of a relationship.
Zoe said: "He's the kindest, loyal, gentle man you could ever wish to meet and I've been in some really horrendous relationships, and we just clicked, we were just best friends. He's amazing with my little girl, treating her like his own, coming home with magazines and sit with her for hours drawing and unfortunately, cancer had other ideas."
Now, Zoe is determined to explore other options to extend Anthony's life. He has been told that proton beam therapy has a chance at shrinking the tumour and delaying the inevitable. However, it is not offered on the NHS and privately would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. In Turkey, it costs £12,000 and so Zoe is desperately trying to raise enough to get Anthony the treatment before it is too late.
She said: "I will do whatever I need to do to try and save his life and I think now he's just sort of resigned himself to the fact that he's going to die. They've given him weeks, he's kind of resigned himself to the fact that he's going to die but I've said to him, 'I'm not going to give up until the end because if there's something that okay, may not get rid of it, but will shrink it and give you a better quality of life, even if it's for five years, then I believe that that's worth doing'."
The treatment is an advanced form of external radiotherapy and shrinks the tumours growth, giving symptom relief in the process. Zoe explained: "It is just a race against time now. And when you put money, you know, even £10,000 into perspective, to save somebody's life, it's such small amount of money. It is literally a life or death situation."
Zoe is also making a plea that anyone experiencing similar symptoms should get checked out if they think something is not right. She urges: "You've got to just keep pushing and pushing and pushing, don't be fobbed off. That is the biggest lesson to me: if you think something isn't quite right and you're given medication, or you're told something, and you still don't feel it's right, you've got to make a nuisance of yourself."
She added: "Time is running out for me. It's literally every hour that passes literally time is running out. I just hope it's not too late." You can donate to try and help extend Anthony's life here. Any donations not used for treatment with be put towards research into the condition.
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