Firms invited to bid for £12bn of HS2 work – list | Construction Enquirer News

2022-05-10 07:33:16 By : Mr. Congdong Chen

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HS2 is expecting around 2,000 people to attend its four-day meet the contractor event starting today.

Companies from across the country will find out more about an estimated 400,000 supply chain opportunities that will emerge over the next 18 months, and how they can get ‘HS2 ready’.

Four out of five attending are from SMEs, spanning a range of business specialisms including logistics, electrical engineering, fencing and accommodation providers.

The four-day programme is being delivered in partnership with HS2’s main works construction partners:

Between them, they will award thousands of individual work packages which range in size and value between £5,000 and £200m.

The first three days consist of 24 opt-in webinars, delivered by over 60 presenters, which allow delegates to learn about the HS2 scheme, HS2 Ltd’s procurement processes and the programme of works its contractors are undertaking.

The final day presents the opportunity for over 1,000 potential suppliers to meet one-to-one with HS2’s construction partners, who are looking for new entrants into their supply chain to deliver their 2021/22 work packages.

HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson said: “HS2 is at the heart of our plans to build back better from Covid-19 by firing up economic growth and creating tens of thousands of skilled jobs right across the country.

“This marks a very important moment for this project as it opens up £12bn worth of supply chain contracts, creating immediate opportunities and providing certainty for British businesses when they need it most.”

New registrations are now closed for the onlie event.

Written by Aaron Morby 1 year ago To share a story email always off the record

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