6 Upper Abs Exercises for Women

2022-08-20 02:28:07 By : Mr. Benjamin Ma

For many women, shaping the upper abs or rectus abdominis, aka the six-pack muscles, is not an easy task. However, visible and toned abdominal muscles aren’t impossible if you know the right exercises to achieve them.

The good news is that there are abs exercises that can help you realize your goal. Whether you want a sculpted midsection or a six-pack, it's important to include a variety of compound and stabilization exercises in your workout. Unlike traditional sit-ups and crunches, compound exercises target your entire core, hit more muscles, and burn more calories.

The workouts mentioned below can help you tone your midsection and develop strength all over your body. On that note, here’s a look at the six most essential upper abs exercises for women:

The hollow hold is an excellent upper abs exercise that’s similar to an upside-down plank. This exercise works the hardest on the midsection, as the movement requires you to keep your muscles upright and stable throughout the move.

The deadbug pullover is basically a combination of standard deadbug and kettlebell movement. It puts more tension on the upper abs, lats, and shoulders.

The stability ball crunch is another amazing exercise for your upper abs. Although the movement might look simple, you're going to experience serious burns in your midsection.

This exercise allows a greater range of motion and also helps increase your overall stability and balance by engaging more muscles in the core area.

A hanging knee raise is a beginner-level exercise that's great for enhancing upper abs and lower abs muscles. To make the move more challenging, straighten your legs, or hold a dumbbell between your knees.

The front plank walkout is a great full body bodyweight exercise that not only enhances your upper abs muscles but also targets your legs, shoulders, back, and chest.

The hundred is an intense upper abs-focused exercise that uses the core muscles. It also engages the calves and hamstrings by allowing te legs to be extended in the air throughout the move.

Now that you know some of the best upper abs exercises, try incorporating them into your full body workout routine to achieve the desired results.

If you're a beginner, train your abs two to three days a week, and be careful not to overtrain them. If you experience any muscle strain or discomfort while doing these workouts, check your form, or relax for a qhilw. If the pain continues, stop the exercise immediately.

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